Banyan (Borh Darhi/Ficus Benghalensis) بوڑھ داڑھی
₨ 150 – ₨ 1,200
The Banyan tree, scientifically known as Ficus benghalensis, is a fascinating species of fig tree known for its unique growth habit and cultural significance. One of the most distinctive features of the Banyan tree is its aerial roots. These roots grow from the branches and eventually reach the ground, where they take root and become additional trunks. Over time, a single Banyan tree can spread and create a vast canopy with multiple trunks.Banyan trees are among the largest trees in the world both in terms of canopy coverage and trunk girth. They can spread over a wide area, providing extensive shade and shelter. The wood of the Banyan tree is sometimes used in woodworking and crafting, although it’s not as common due to the tree’s sacred status in many cultures. In traditional medicine, various parts of the tree, including its aerial roots, are believed to have medicinal properties.
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